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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Birthday Giveaway Winner

Hello everyone!! :o)

Thank you all for joining my Birthday Giveaway, four your beautiful birthday wishes and lovely comments. 

Giveaway prize was a Jane's Doodles stamp set of winner's choice, provided by me.

Giveaway was opened international (+18), for all my blog followers (new and old ones) who left me a comment by March 23rd, 2019, 11:59 PM CET (UTC +1), telling me what's your favorite Jane's Doodles stamp set.

And the winner chosen by is
Prize confirmed capture deleted
Winner's name deleted

Congratulations!!! :o)

Please contact me by Sunday, March 31st, 2019, 11:59 PM CEST (UTC +2) to claim your prize (email: milkagubo81 (at) gmail (dot) com).

  • After winner's name announced here on my blog, winner has to contact me via e-mail to arrange prize delivery details.
  • Winner has to confirm prize by Sunday, March 31st, 2019, 11:59 PM CEST (UTC +2).
  • If unconfirmed, prize will be redrawn and new winner's name announced on my blog on April 2nd, 2019, during the day.
  • Prize will be redrawn until it's given away.
  • Winner's name will be permanently deleted from winner's post on this blog as soon as the prize confirmed (or redrawn), as well as correspondence with the winner, latest one month after the giveaway is closed. 
  • Comments revealing winner's name will be permanently deleted from this post, latest one month after the giveaway is closed.
  • Winner's post will not be deleted from my blog.
  • No data will be kept neither shared with any other party..

Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy and smile! :o)


Update (April 4th, 2019):
In line with a Privacy Notice (see above) and my Data Protection and Privacy Policy Statement, I've deleted winner's name from this post and all comments that would reveal winner's name. This post will not be deleted from this blog.



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