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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Life Update

Hi everyone!

I hope you're all well and your loved ones. :o)

Today I want to share with you a short post on what has been going on in my life for the past 8 months, as I'm not crafting neither sharing so much on my blog as I did previous years.

I've cut number of I Love Math Challenges for this year, I will pause some DT duties for next couple months and reduce blogging to a bare minimum (or even take a break for some time).

On to the point: I'm pregnant and counting 20 days to my due date (due date March 16th, 2021, my 40th birthday). :o)

There are no words to describe how happy my partner and I are. We had a lot of troubles in the past with my pregnancies, but this time, we've been blessed and we will have that amazing privilege to become parents to our little sweetie. We are very grateful. :o)

Due to the issues that I had in the past (five miscarriages), my pregnancy was classified as a high risk pregnancy and there were quite a lot of health issues I had to overcome during this pregnancy. I was on a sick leave since July 2020 until the end of the January 2021.

I had to keep any kind of activities on bare minimum for months, until it was safe for me to add short walks and easy house chores on my daily to do list.

Luckily, everything went well through the critical period and now I can relax, enjoy the maternity leave and count down days to meet my little sweetie. :o)

In the months to come, I'll give my best to jump in from time to time and say hello, but I won't force myself on anything, as I imagine that things can be quite challenging for new mommies. I will go with a flow. :o) 

I've already scheduled some blog posts of my DT projects for months to come and working on couple more.

I'm crafting a bit more than I had during my first 7 months of pregnancy, as I have much more energy than I had previous months, but not so much. Everything is very exhausting for me at the moment. 

Due to the pregnancy and the fact I can't make obligations for myself, this year I'll take a break from my Celebrating 30 Days of Pisces personal annual challenge

Sadly, last year I failed it completely. I was not in a mood to craft when the pandemic hit... actually, I was not in a mood for anything. I enjoyed spending time in isolation during the lock down with my family, spent time in nature and gardened.

I also worked from home, which brought me new knowledge, improved my accounting skills and had good impact on my work conditions. :o)

Although quite a hard year 2020, it was very good for me. :o)

And that would be all from me for today. Thank you for stopping by and reading. Sending you all big hugs!!!

Enjoy and smile!! :o)



  1. Wow-that’s great news! I will keep you in my prayers for a safe and healthy delivery of your baby. It will be a never-ending journey as a parent. My kids are married and have their own children and I still think and worry about them. Best wishes for you in your new role!

  2. Draga Milka, tako vesela sem zate, da ti je po vseh težavah vendarle bilo namenjeno, da s partnerjem postaneta starša. Le vzemi si čas zase in potem za svojo družinico. To je najpomembneje, uživaj v tem posebnem in najlepšem času, blog in ustvarjanje bosta počakala, otroci pa tako hitro zrastejo!
    Želim ti čim lepše in čim manj naporne zadnje dneve nosečnosti in kar se da hiter porod.
    Mislim nate! Objem!

  3. That's such wonderful news..... not long to go now! Keeping you and your sweet bundle of joy in my thoughts! Excited for you!

  4. YAY!!! I'm very glad to hear this fab notice, Milka!! You will be a Mum in a month, wow! BIG CONGRATS!!!! So happy for you! After all your difficulties and health problems this is really an AWESOME notice!
    Blessings and love on your way!
    Big hugs!

  5. Oooh, how exciting. Best wishes for an easy delivery. Look forward to news when you have time. Hugz

  6. congrats dear Milka!
    Im so happy for you!
    take care hugs

  7. Congratulations to you and your partner! I am excited and happy for you! With all of the trouble you had, this is such a blessing! Looking forward to seeing an update after the big day! Wishing you all the best!

  8. That's an awesome news. Congratulations and stay blessed. Loads of love and hugs.

  9. How wonderful! I can only imagine how thrilled you and your partner must be. Hope everything goes well in the last stretch and that you will be able to hold your precious baby in your arms very soon.
    Marianne x



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